Fuck [blank] is an ongoing self-portrait project manifesting childhood promises broken by reality. Every now and again I like to time travel back to what I refer to as my "prime years" (a.k.a. when I was an adorable five year old and didn't have to constantly compete to survive or feel self-conscious about my self-worth) just so I can laugh at how naive I was.

Because at the time, I believed happiness was a guaranteed formula of listening to grown ups = no bad things could ever happen to me. But reminiscing, I felt kind of cheated about a lot of rules I had never broken as a child because I was promised only good outcomes if I followed them.
It's a very cynical, yet humorous approach of dealing with all of my leftover teen angst and current anxiety I suffer from as a young adult who still has no idea what is really going on.
This hodgepodge of emotions is reflective of the choice to work in collage, mixing personal childhood photographs of purity and innocence with crude, yet candid phrases illustrated in typography and found objects.